Rush\Wright Associates
LaTrobe Institute for Molecular Science,…
Melbourne, 2013
Rush\Wright Associates have been engaged to develop a new landscape design for the area associated with the proposed LIMS building design...
Rush\Wright Associates
Deakin University, Central Spine Precinct
Melbourne, 2014
Rush\Wright Associates acted as Principal Consultants throughout the project over four years including a Masterplanning and Feasibility S...
Rush\Wright Associates
Monash University Western Precinct Landscape
Clayton, 2018
Monash University Science Technology Research and Innovation Precinct (STRIP) at Clayton campus realises a 20 year masterplan vision. The...
Rush\Wright Associates
Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre
Melbourne, 2016
The best hospitals ever made were designed with access to landscape, views, natural light and sunshine. Long before the obvious curative ...
Rush\Wright Associates
Earth Sciences Garden Monash University
Clayton, 2016
Rush\Wright Associates were engaged as the Landscape Architect for the Earth Sciences Garden at Monash University. This garden was creat...
University of Queensland Advanced Engineering…
Brisbane, 2013
The Advanced Engineering Building (AEB) gives students an immediate advantage. It gives them a world-class, research-led education in a b...
Melbourne Brain Centre, University of Melbourne
Melbourne, 2011
The Melbourne Brain Centre is a significant building at the University of Melbourne, a gatepost at the main Royal Parade entry to the cam...